Rail JU logo in white
European Union flag

A body of the
European Union


InnoTrans 2018

Berlin, Germany



Together  with  its  Members,  Shift2Rail  showcased more  than  20  cutting-edge  solutions  for  a ground-breaking transformation of railway systems at InnoTrans in Berlin from 18-21 September 2018. Less  than  two  years  after  the  start  of  the  Joint  Undertaking’s  activities,  the  JU  presented  live demos, showing its initial results: the transformation of railway systems is on its way!


Shift2Rail members exhibiting at InnoTrans

Explore the map to find our members’ booth


Shift2Rail news from InnoTrans

New Lightweight Antenna

SEPTEMBER 21, 2018

Shift2Rail presents a new antenna, made of composite materials, which is substantially lighter than the conventional welded design made of steel. The new Composite Antenna has a weight of about 13kg  –  more than 45kg lighter than the conventional welded … Continue reading 

Re-inventing the Wheel

Wheel maintenance accounts for a significant share of the maintenance costs of railway vehicles. Thus, engineers strive to design wheels that are ever more robust and better performing. Shift2Rail-funded research has developed a new wheel made of Austempered Ductile Iron … Continue reading 

Preview of DAY 4 at InnoTrans: Final Day to Discover the Railway Systems of the Future

On these past three days the Shift2Rail stand has been buzzing with excitement, curious conversations and vivid activity. It has drawn a large number of visitors interested in new forms of mobility. On DAY 4 at InnoTrans visitors have the … Continue reading 

Synchronised Dance of Virtually Connected Trams

SEPTEMBER 20, 2018

The Connected Trams demonstrator introduces radical innovations to the current Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS), often referred to as the “brain of the train”. The goal: To increase the level of automation and make trains more cost-effective and safer. … Continue reading 

Automatic Wagon Scans to Speed up Train Logistics

To find out what is inside a wagon today when it enters a freight terminal, operators need to manually record its reference number and other information such as the presence of hazardous goods.  This requires a lot of time and … Continue reading 

Enter the Driver’s Cabin to Discover a Revolution for Rail Freight: The Digital Brake Test

Did you know that – as striking as it may seem – brake tests in European freight trains are still conducted today as they were 100 years ago. This implies that a long and fastidious foot check of each and every … Continue reading 

Discover the Flow of Energy in Railway Networks

How can we make railway networks more energy-efficient? Currently, energy measurements are only conducted on board of trains and not used to make networks more energy-efficient. There is no technology that assesses the energy efficiency and the energy flow of … Continue reading 

The Sound of Silent Trains

To tackle the pressing issue of noise pollution, Shift2Rail research teams have devised new computer simulations to assess different strategies to reduce noise and vibration levels. These programmes make it possible to gauge the effectiveness of noise mitigation methods demonstrating … Continue reading 

Experience the traffic management of the future from the driver’s seat

The ‘moving block’ is a concept of rail traffic management and control systems that allows trains to run much closer to each other, improving line capacity and performance. This system will upgrade the European Train Control System (ETCS) to level 3, … Continue reading 

DAY 3: Timetable of the future train at our stand 203, Hall 4.2

After two successful days, we have reached half-time at InnoTrans but there is still plenty to see and discover. The train of the future will stop on Thursday at: 10 am-12 pm: UNIFE Dialog Forum: Executive director Carlo Borghini and … Continue reading 

Prize-winning Innovations: Shift2Rail at the ERCI Award

SEPTEMBER 19, 2018

Today Shift2Rail participated in the Innovation Award of the European Railway Cluster Initiative (ERCI), where the leading rail meta cluster in Europe awarded trophies in three categories: The Innovation Awards of the European Railway Clusters went to DB Cargo AG … Continue reading 

One click from anywhere in Europe

Today, apps allow checking what the best multimodal route is. But Shift2Rail IP4 is taking this to a whole new level: Passengers will be able to book with a single click multi-modal trips across Europe. No more need to enter … Continue reading 

Spotting obstacles from afar: Obstacle detection for automated freight

A novel integrated multi-sensor on-board obstacle detection system for freight trains, developed within the Shift2Rail initiative, combines different vision technologies to identify obstacles beyond 200m, the current state-of-art, and up to 1000m. This innovative device, able to operate under any … Continue reading 

Leading women driving change- Shift2Rail at the Women in Mobility Luncheon

Shift2Rail participated in the third edition of the Women in Mobility Luncheon, which provided a platform for leading women in the transport industry to exchange experiences and ideas, connect with others in the industry and discuss professional issues. The event, … Continue reading 

Day 2 at Shift2Rail stand at InnoTrans (H4.2/203): New insights into the railways of the future

The Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) has had a strong presence at its first appearance at InnoTrans, the largest rail fair in the world –presenting the first results of the initiative, barely two years after its creation. Wednesday, 19 September … Continue reading 

Network Rail leadership team wins first Shift2Rail Women in Rail R&I Award

SEPTEMBER 18, 2018

A team of three Network Rail managers won the Shift2Rail ‘Women in Rail Research & Innovation Award’. Laureates are Amanda Webster, Eleanor Simmons and Alison Smith, prominent managers in infrastructure-related Shift2Rail R&I activities, working on smart infrastructure, intelligent mobility management … Continue reading 

Meet the winners of the first Shift2Rail Research & Innovation Awards

  Projects working on new methodologies to optimise energy use in trains, a door-to-door travel booking eco-system and technologies to make trains’ communication systems wireless are selected as winners of the Awards in its first edition. OPEUS won the decarbonisation … Continue reading 

Day 1 at Shift2Rail stand at InnoTrans (H4.2/203): The future of mobility is here now

The Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) will have a strong presence in its first appearance InnoTrans, the largest rail fair in the world –presenting the first results of the initiative, barely two years after its creation. At 12.00 pm, the … Continue reading 

Join Shift2Rail in events organised by leading associations at InnoTrans


With more than 20 cutting-edge innovations, inviting visitors to discover new technologies first hand there is plenty to experience at the Shift2Rail stand at InnoTrans. But on top of its own activities, S2R is excited to participate in other events … Continue reading 

Shift2Rail is presenting its first quick-wins at InnoTrans

AUGUST 17, 2018

Together with its Members, Shift2Rail is showcasing more than 20 cutting-edge solutions for a ground-breaking transformation of railway systems at InnoTrans in Berlin from 18-21 September. Less than two years after the start of the Joint Undertaking’s activities, the JU … Continue reading 


Photo Gallery Day 4


Photo Gallery Day 3


Photo Gallery Day 2


Photo Gallery Day 1


Europe's Rail