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How can we make railway networks more energy-efficient? Currently, energy measurements are only conducted on board of trains and not used to make networks more energy-efficient. There is no technology that assesses the energy efficiency and the energy flow of the whole system. A synchronised energy measurement tool, however, would be highly beneficial in order to make strategic energy management decisions, improve energy efficiency and the life cycle costs of railway systems.


That is why Shift2Rail research teams developed a solution for measuring the energy flow both on-board and on the electrical grid. The feasibility of this model was tested on-board of tramways and on ground in a traction substation in Reims. In this test, the tramways and the substation were equipped with current and voltage sensors, GPS, accelerometer, CO2 and temperature sensors, which sent their data to a database. The input will be shared with the whole railway system through an advanced open platform.


The smart metering demo presents a HoloLens 3D Augmented Reality experience to enable visitors to fully immerse themselves in the process of smart metering. A dashboard shows an analysis of the energy-related data.

The objective is to achieve an exact mapping of how the energy flows within the entire railway system to be able to make smart energy management decisions and make railway systems more sustainable.


When: Permanent (18.09.-21.09)


Where: Shift2Rail (Stand 203, Hall 4.2)



Europe's Rail