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A body of the
European Union

Participants of the High-Level Deployment Group

The EU-Rail Deployment Group consists of a high-level Core Group, which is complemented on an ad-hoc basis by dedicated groups on specific topics requiring additional expertise. European rail representatives, such as Infrastructure Managers or Rail Operators, and suppliers will be involved to advise EU-Rail on a coordinated and integrated deployment. The Deployment Group’s composition reflects its openness and guarantees an appropriate thematic focus and representativeness.

European Commission decision on approving the composition of the Deployment Group and of the System Pillar steering group of the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking can be accessed below.


Rules of Procedure

Deployment Group minutes

Join the Deployment Group

The High-Level Deployment Group can be enlarged with relevant stakeholders expressing interest in joining the group.

Candidates have to be representatives at senior management level of (a) EU-Rail founding members, (b) of the rail and mobility sector and or of relevant stakeholders’, (c) of a trade union in a relevant transport field, or (d) of a federation with experience in passenger transport or of a logistic association.

Additionally, candidates must fulfill a number of essential criteria related to work experience and language proficiency.

More information on the selection criteria and process can be found here.

To express your interest in joining the Deployment Group, please send your motivation and CV to info-call@rail-research.europa.eu. Twice per year EU-RAIL will assess the requests for participation.

Company / Organisation Representative Status
Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF) Maria Luisa Domínguez González Member

Association of European Rail Rolling stock Lessors (AERRL)/ Next generation locomotive leasing in Europe (NEXRAIL) Mark Remie Member
Association of European Rail Rolling stock Lessors (AERRL) Carole Coune Member
The Federation of European Train Drivers’ Unions (ALE) Paolo Lauzzana Member
Alstom Pierre Fleury Member
Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) Iosu Ibarbia Member
Community of European Railways and Infrastructure Companies (CER) Alberto Mazzola Member
Deutsche Bahn (DB) Karsten Kemeter Member
European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) Monika Heiming Member

European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM)/ Société nationale des chemins de fer français SNCF Réseau Thomas Joindot Member
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FSI) Davide Pifferi Member
Hitachi Antonella Trombetta Member
Knorr-Bremse Gianluca Tomei Member
Norwegian Railway Directorate Ove Skovdahl Member
Österreichische Bundesbahnen (ÖBB) Christian Sagmeister Member
Siemens Ralf Kaminsky Member
Société nationale des chemins de fer français (SNCF) Gilles Quesnel Member
  Representative of Portugal in the states’ representatives group of EU-Rail (SRG) Paulo Duarte Member
Thales Gemma Maria Salazar Luque Member
Trafikverket Susanne Skovgaard Member
International Union of Railways (UIC) Jean-Michel Evanghelou Member
UNIFE (The Association of the European Rail Supply Industry) Enno Wiebe Member
Voestalpine Railway Systems Jochen Holzfeind Member
European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) Wouter Malfait Observer
European Commission   Observer
Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking   Observer


Europe's Rail