Rail JU logo in white
European Union flag

A body of the
European Union

Flagship Area 1

Network management planning and control & Mobility Management in a multimodal environment

The introduction of common functions to integrate the multitude of national Traffic Management Systems (TMS) could make operations more agile and borderless in the future. Such a European TMS will not only improve the service offering and the rail’s role within door-to-door services, but also increase the flexibility, resilience, and capacity of its network, thus supporting the development of the Single European Railway Area.

FP1 develops functional requirements and specifications for needed operational and technical solutions with two work streams:

  • WS1: planning and operations of the European Traffic Management and Integration activities of the rail services with the door-to-door mobility
  • WS2: digital enablers (transversal topics) for all EU-Rail’s destinations

Europe's Rail