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InnoTrans 2018

New Lightweight Antenna

Shift2Rail presents a new antenna, made of composite materials, which is substantially lighter than the conventional welded design made of steel. The new Composite Antenna has a weight of about 13kg  –  more than 45kg lighter than the conventional welded design made...

Re-inventing the Wheel

Wheel maintenance accounts for a significant share of the maintenance costs of railway vehicles. Thus, engineers strive to design wheels that are ever more robust and better performing. Shift2Rail-funded research has developed a new wheel made of Austempered Ductile...

Synchronised Dance of Virtually Connected Trams

The Connected Trams demonstrator introduces radical innovations to the current Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS), often referred to as the “brain of the train”. The goal: To increase the level of automation and make trains more cost-effective and safer. In a...

Europe's Rail