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The Connected Trams demonstrator introduces radical innovations to the current Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS), often referred to as the “brain of the train”. The goal: To increase the level of automation and make trains more cost-effective and safer.

In a live demo, two trams located in Zaragoza in Spain move in a coordinated manner without any physical link at a constant distance of about 6 metres. The two vehicles are virtually coupled, which makes it possible for a single driver to control both trams from the cabin of the leading one.

While observing the trams’ movements, visitors at InnoTrans have the opportunity to monitor all information on the vehicles on a second screen. Details such as the trams’ speed, the status of the doors, and information on which of the vehicles is the leading tram will be displayed.

As a second step, demo managers will change the text on the trams’ destination displays from Berlin using just a tablet. This demonstrates the brand new interoperable train-to-ground communication technology that will integrate rolling stock in a digitalised railway system.

This project also introduces a revolutionary new on-board computing concept based on a functional architecture. What makes this system highly innovative is the implementation of a middleware that makes virtual coupling possible without deep modifications in the various systems in use.

This connected tram demo shows that the next-generation of TCMS architecture is on its way introducing radical changes to communication and computing systems.


When: Tuesday (12pm-13pm), Wednesday (11am-11.30am), Thursday (11.30am -12.00pm)

Where: Stand 203, Hall 4.2

Europe's Rail