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Invitation to the S2R JU Associated Members

Invitation to the S2R JU Associated Members

Invitation to S2R JU Associated Members to submit an answer in view of the realignment of their activities and additional commitment to the S2R Programme

The S2R JU has 19 Associated Members selected through an open, competitive and transparent procedure, launched and managed by the European Commission in accordance with Article 4(2) of Annex I (hereinafter the Statutes) of the S2R Regulation. The Commission adopted its final decision on the selected S2R JU Associated Members on 8 December 2015.

As a result of the aforementioned call and the relevant negotiations, the selected Associated Members’ net contribution to S2R activities amounts to EUR 144.1 million against the minimum requirement of Article 4(2)a  of the S2R Regulation of EUR 150 million.

A similar gap appears in terms of the co-funding to be allocated by the S2R JU to the Associated Members. In accordance with Article 17(1)b of the S2R Statutes, as further agreed within the GB on 7 June, “up to 30 % [of the Union contribution] shall be allocated to associated members and their affiliated entities“. Out of EUR 131.0 million, a remaining amount of EUR 5.6 million remains to be allocated.

On 7 June 2017, the Governing Board has mandated the Executive Director to establish the necessary process to allocate the aforementioned amount of EUR 5.6 million, ensuring transparency and equal treatment. The Executive Director shall submit to the Governing Board for adoption his proposal for the allocation of the aforementioned resources, at the latest by 31 December 2017 [please find here the text of the Invitation and the Annexes].

In accordance with the Decision of the Governing Board of 7 June, the Executive Director requested the Associated Members of S2R JU to answer the Invitation in view of their additional commitment to the S2R Programme R&I activities. The S2R JU shall co-fund the additional activities up to EUR 5.6 million in accordance with the provisions contained in the Membership Agreements approved by GB Decision 23/2015 of 11 December 2015. The answer shall also cover the contribution to the administrative costs of the S2R JU.

The award of the activities to be implemented with these additional resources by the relevant Associated Members will be subject to the same procedures and conditions foreseen in the original Call for interest to become an associated member of S2R JU, respectively in accordance with H2020 Rules of Participation and the S2R JU Financial Rules.

In addition, the S2R JU will promote this Invitation so as to create the business opportunities for associating additional entities to the existing Associated Members, whilst giving due consideration to the limited amount of resources available.

Please find here the Q&A.

On the 20th of July the first public webinar was held presenting the context of the Invitation and how it may create opportunities to third parties to work together with S2R Associated Members. Please find here the presentation and the transcript of the webinar Q&A session.

On the 6th of September the second public webinar was held. Please find here the presentation and the transcript of the webinar Q&A session.

***Please note that, following the request of several Associated Members, the deadline for the submission of the answer to the AM Invitation has been postponed until 9 October 2017 at 23:59. Along with this modification, the deadline for the submission of any request for additional information (Q&A), has also be postponed until 3 October 2017 at 23:59.

Please find below the list of the S2R JU Associated Members

Name Email Address
AERFITEC consortium
AZD Praha s.r.o.
CFW consortium
Deutsche Bahn AG
EUROC consortium
Faiveley Transport
HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Indra Sistemas S.A.  
Kapsch CarrierCom
Knorr-Bremse GmbH
Patentes Talgo S.L.
Swi’TRACK’EN consortium
Smart DeMain consortium
SmartRacon consortium
Virtual Vehicule Austria consortium


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