Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union


Innovation in the Spotlight: Next Generation of Running Gear Brings Lower Costs, Higher Comfort and Less Downtime

Main benefits Radial steering and active suspension systems make train running gear more efficient and reduce the negative impact of vehicles on the track Innovative health monitoring systems enable maintenance based on real-time data for running gear and track Light weight and optimised materials improve running gear performance as well as wear and damages of wheels and rails Reduction of noise and vibration emission for a better rail environment Advance virtual certification of vehicle dynamics…

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Shift2Rail to promote a systematic approach at the #POLITICOMobility Summit

The #PoliticoMobility Summit on 8 October will gather policymakers, regulators, disruptors and experts to Amsterdam, Netherlands to discuss the challenges the sector is facing during a dynamic and interactive day. Our Executive Director Carlo Borghini will bring railways to the discussion showing how the work of Shift2Rail contributes to the evolvement of the whole mobility sector in Europe.   As a strategic partner of this year’s #POLITICOMobility event, our Executive Director Carlo Borghini will be…

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Shift2Rail sponsors PhD students working on efficient and sustainable interconnected logistics

Shift2Rail has sponsored PhD students by offering them the possibility to participate to the 6th International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC) in London. The successful students took part in a doctoral colloquium where they had the opportunity to present and discuss their research ideas with other students and established researchers. As a sponsor of IPIC 2019, Shift2Rail helped PhD students cover their travel and accommodation costs to participate to the doctoral colloquium aiming to reflect on,…

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Register Now for Our Regional Cooperation Workshop!

Shift2Rail’s Regional Cooperation Workshop will take place on 9 October in Brussels. As a side event of the European Week of Regions and Cities, the workshop will focus on building synergies between Shift2Rail and European Structural Investment Funds.   Following a report published on 20 May by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre inviting Joint Undertakings to explore different possibilities for collaboration with European Structural and Investment Funds, Shift2Rail decided to organize a workshop bringing…

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Shift2Rail’s participation to WCRR 2019 in Tokyo

The World Congress on Rail Research in Tokyo from 28 October – 1 November, will bring together more than 1000 visitors and stakeholders on rail Research & Innovation from all over the world, including manufacturers, network managers, operators, as well as research institutions and universities. Shift2Rail will use this platform to present its latest research results to a global audience, and concretely illustrate how it is contributing to delivering the railway system of the future.…

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Register now for the Shift2Rail Dialogue at the Digital Transport Days!

Against the backdrop of European Commission’s Digital Transport Days 2019, the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking is pleased to be hosting an event dedicated to rail research and innovation beyond 2020.   The dialogue will take place in the morning of 7 October 2019 at the Finlandia Hall in Helsinki, before the start of the Digital Transport Days main event. The event will focus on questions dedicated to digitalisation and new technologies in the railway industry, as…

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