The January 2025 edition of the Europe’s Rail newsletter is out! We are happy to unveil our completely new design,...

The Shift Freight to Rail event will be an opportunity to present preliminary and final results of the Shift2Rail projects focussed on innovating the freight railways eco-system in Europe.
The Shift2Rail initiative, an EU public-private joint effort, has eight ongoing projects dedicated to the freight sector, in which it has invested more than €31 million. More than 60 universities, SMEs and large firms across Europe have participated in these Research and Innovation activities, since the first project started in 2015.
Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking freight activities took the helm from SMART-RAIL, a lighthouse project of this initiative. Research conducted within this three-year project focusses on devising solutions for improved reliability, lead-time, costs, flexibility and visibility of freight railways. SMART-RAIL will present its final results at the event as the project comes to an end in April 2018.
Six other ongoing Shift2Rail freight projects (ARCC, FFL4E, FR8RAIL, DYNAFREIGHT, SMART and INNOWAG) will show their preliminary outcomes in areas such as long trains, obstacle detection, wagon design, real time management and automated operations.
This event will take place on 18 April at Waggon-31, Vienna, from 12pm to 6 pm.
Preliminary agenda
Welcome words:
Followed by lunch
PARALLEL SESSION 1: Smart-Rail: How to attract new customers?
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
Presentation 3
15.00 Coffee break
Presentation 4
Presentation 5
17.00 Closing remarks
13.00 FFL4E Presentation:
13.30 DYNAFREIGHT Presentation
14.00 FR8RAIL Presentation:
14.30 INNOWAG Presentation:
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 ARCC:
Presented by Norbert Kahl, DB Cargo
16.00 Smart Presentation
by Danijela Ristic-Durrant, TU Berlin and Miloš Simonović, University of Niš
16.30 Presentation on new/future activities
17.00 Closing remarks
17:00 – 18:00 Networking session
Organising projects