Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union


Shift2Rail declared a priority of the Hellenic Presidency

Athens, 19 February 2014.- At the initiative of the Hellenic Presidency of the EU, decision makers and transport leaders from the EU institutions, executives from the European rail sector, Greek rail stakeholders, research centres and academia gathered in Athens today to officially present the Commission’s proposal to establish Shift2Rail—a public-private partnership to invest in research and development in the rail sector. The Commission has proposed €450 Million for the period of 2014-2020 to be met by…

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Strong Support for Shift2Rail voiced by the Commission, diverse stakeholders at Shift2Rail Stakeholder meeting

Brussels. On 12 September, the European Commission held a public stakeholders hearing on Shift2Rail that brought together more than 100 participants. This public hearing, chaired by Mr. Jean-Eric Paquet, Director of the European Mobility Network of DG Move, was the occasion for Shift2Rail promoters to show their strong mobilisation (with no less than 37 signatory industrial companies, operators, infrastructure managers, and research organisations represented) and deliver their key messages on the future programme to the…

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The European Commission confirms the preparation of a “potential Joint Undertaking in the railway sector” in its Communication on PPPs in Horizon 2020

The European Commission published on 10 July several legislative proposals for the renewal of existing JTIs (such as Clean Sky) and the creation of a new one (on bio-based industries). In the official Communication accompanying these legislative proposals, the Commission set out how it intends to strengthen industrial engagement in Horizon 2020 through further public-private partnerships. The Commission then confirmed that: “the scale of research and innovation effort and the policy need to complete the…

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The European Commission launches a public consultation on a “proposal for an EU coordinated approach to R&I in the rail sector under Horizon 2020”

Both EU Commissioners Kallas (Transport) and Geoghegan-Quinn (R&I) have now jointly decided to give their green light to launch at EU level a new “EU coordinated approach to R&I in the rail sector under Horizon 2020”. The European Commission has therefore officially launched the preparation process of its future legislative proposal to set up such a new programme for rail R&I. In order to prepare this legislative proposal, the European Commission has launched an online…

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The European Commission highlights the importance of Shift2Rail in its Communication on the 4th Railway Package

The European Commission today announced on 30 January a comprehensive package of measures to deliver better quality and more choice in railway services in Europe. Next to six legislative proposals, the Commission published an official Communication in which it insists on the importance on innovation in the rail sector: “The Shift²Rail initiative would contribute to developing rail as a transport mode by promoting step-change innovations for passenger rolling stock, freight transport, traffic management systems and…

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