Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Press Releases

Press release – Call for Proposals 2018 results announced

19 projects worth €152.6 million will be funded under the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking 2018 Call for Proposals for Research & Innovation activities. Shift2Rail’s co-funding will amount up to €77.3 million. The new projects aim to accelerate the transition towards the next generation of railway systems in Europe. Access the full press release here.

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Press Release: Shift2Rail awards grants for its Call for proposals 2017

The S2R JU is delighted to announce that following the publication last November of its 2017 call for proposals, and the finalisation of the evaluation procedure, 17 grants will be awarded for a total value of the actions of 110.9M€, co-financed by S2R up to 60.1M€. Please see the full Press Release here

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Interview with Carlo Borghini

Please watch Carlo Borghini's interview during the MiddleEastRail event on our YouTube channel here Don't forget to subscribe for more videos!

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