Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Press Releases

Shift2Rail Call for Proposals 2020: Participation Results

Europe’s railway Research and Innovation community shows strong interest in deepening collaboration as 2020 Shift2Rail Call for Proposals prompts requests for R&I funding worth €113.3 million. In answer to its 2020 Call for Proposals, the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking has received 43 proposals for a total value of €185.8 million and a funding request of €113.3 million (almost 50% more compared to the available funding). 8 proposals were submitted under the Call for Members, while 35…

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Memorandum of Understanding signed between Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking and the region of the Basque Country

The signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between Shift2rail and the region of the Basque Country took place on Wednesday 22 January, during the Basque Railway 2020 conference in San Sebastián, bringing together over 400 rail professionals from across the sector. The objective of this new cooperation is to identify common priorities and potential synergies between the funding instruments that are available at the European Union, national and regional levels to move rail Research & Innovation…

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Shift2Rail publishes its Call for Proposals 2020

Projects worth 146.6 million will be funded under the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) 2020 Call for Proposals for Research & Innovation activities, within the framework of the S2R Annual Work Plan 2020. The application period is now open and submissions will be accepted until 21 April 2020. Read the full press release here

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Shift2Rail launches its Catalogue of Solutions at the World Congress on Railway Research

Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking has just published its first Catalogue of Solutions highlighting 54 innovative products and methods it has worked on together with its Members and stakeholders. The official launch of the new Catalogue of Solutions took place today in Tokyo during the ceremony of the Shift2Rail stand at the World Congress on Railway Research, officially opened by Ambassador Flor, Head of the EU Delegation to Japan. Read the press release here Access the Catalogue…

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Shift2Rail awards 17 grants for its Call for Proposals 2019

17 projects worth €148.6 million will be funded under the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking 2019 Call for Proposals for Research & Innovation activities. Shift2Rail’s co-funding will amount up to €74.8 million. The new projects aim to accelerate the transition towards the next generation of railway systems in Europe. Read the full press release here

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Shift2Rail Executive Director to speak at 8th International Railway Summit in New Delhi

Carlo Borghini, the Executive Director of Shift2Rail, the European research and development initiative, will speak at the 8th International Railway Summit. Mr Borghini will take part in a panel discussing whether high-speed rail projects are worth the economic and social investment. The summit takes place from 20-22 November 2019 in New Delhi, the first time the event will be hosted in India. Read the full press release here

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