Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Press Releases

Europe’s Rail brings innovative rail solutions to InnoTrans 2022

Together with its Founding Members and partners, Europe’s Rail (EU-Rail) will showcase innovative rail solutions of the Shift2Rail Programme and present the new Joint Undertaking on rail research and innovation launched formally in Paris on 21 February. InnoTrans, taking place on 20-23 September in Berlin, is the world’s leading trade fair, with a focus on rail, as well as public transport. Read press release

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Europe’s Rail awards six grants for its very first Call for Proposals 2022-1

Six large flagship projects worth €568.4 million will be funded under the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking 2022-1 very first Call for Proposals for rail research & innovation activities. Europe’s Rail co-funding will amount up to €232.8 million. These multi-annual flagship projects will kick-off the R&I activities of the JU and build upon the results of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, paving the way to the deployment of innovative operational and technological solutions in the European network.…

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Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking System Pillar Tender Awarded

The Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking is pleased to announce that the Tender dedicated to the System Pillar, and its respective three lots worth up to €45 million, has been awarded to the System Pillar Consortium. The tender will provide the necessary resources and sector input to ensure the System Pillar achieves its objectives set to contribute to a major transformation of the European rail system and allow the sector to converge on its evolution –…

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Memorandum of Understanding on the study ‘Smart and Affordable High-Speed Services in the European Union’ signed on 29 June 2022

In the context of the French Presidency of the European Union, the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), the Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants in Europe (ALLRAIL), the European Rail Supply Industry (UNIFE) and the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-RAIL), took place in presence of Walter Goetz, Head of Cabinet of the European Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean, during the Connecting Europe Days in Lyon…

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Europe’s Rail publishes its Call for Proposals 2022-1

Projects worth €390 million, against €234 million funding, are expected to be funded under the Europe’s Rail 2022-1 Call for Proposals for Research & Innovation activities, within the framework of the Europe’s Rail Annual Work Programme 2022-2024. The application period is now open and submissions will be accepted until 23 June 2022. Read press release

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Europe’s Rail officially launched during the European Railway Summit in the context of the French Presidency of the European Union

Today, during the European Railway Summit, organised by SNCF in the context of the French Presidency of the European Union, saw the official launch of Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking. During the ceremony, representatives from the European Commission and the rail sector, including Europe’s Rail 25 Founding Members, expressed their expectations for Europe’s largest rail research and innovation programme worth €1.2 billion. The launch ceremony was attended by several Ministers of Transport of the Member States,…

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