Use case collection process Work Stream 2 of our Flagship Project 1 (FP1) MOTIONAL focuses on investigating existing...
![Results Published in January 2025](
As of today, the European railways are suffering from several systemic challenges. One of them addresses the cross-border compatibility arising from different standards and expectations from the European infrastructure managers, railway undertakings and partners from the industry. Another problem to tackle involves the competition with other modes of transport such as private car travel, and the profitability of medium route distances. Therefore, within the Flagship Project 6, a key element is to foster the collaboration among all European partners to achieve the overall objective of revitalising regional railways. It is paramount to connect regional railways with other modes of travel that are being used for first and last mile services. This enables a new competitiveness for regional railways and contributes to improved cross-border compatibility in Europe which leads to the reduction of capital expenditures and operating expenses, enhanced productivity (unit costs per train kilometre) and improved customer satisfaction. However, it is important to note that these goals are competing against each other. As a part of the Flagship Project 6, Work Package 6 deals with the conceptualisation of a multimodal travel solution providing requirement specifications. Several advancements should be introduced here, including the usage of demand-related capacity information, congestion monitoring and the utilisation of regional lines for freight transport. An orientation is provided by the technology of a Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) solution which aims at consolidating multiple modes of travel into a single platform. In that way, it is possible to plan journeys across all modes of transportation. The goal of Deliverable 6.9 (Task 6.8) is to specify requirements, acceptance criteria and a test strategy. To achieve this, use cases based on relevant personas using the frontend and/or backend services were identified. Important actors within the system are commuters, travellers/tourists, and persons with reduced mobility. The backend services are primarily influenced by administrators. Additionally, an analytics platform establishes a connection between business intelligence analysts and personas from infrastructure management and railway undertakings, such as the traffic manager. The prepared use cases helped with the design of the requirements questionnaire and allowed the expansion of the requirement specification by user requirements from infrastructure managers (IMs) and railway undertakings (RUs). Requirements are ranging from the interface design and user interaction to the querying of reports for insights into passenger behaviour accompanied by addressing data backup, logging of failures and redundancy of the system. Several use cases that have been documented in the deliverable potentially overlap with main line use cases. For the alpha release of the requirement specification, this is considered acceptable. During development of the final release, it will be clarified if a use case has a regional focus or if it applies to main line as well. In the latter case, synergies can be leveraged. To ensure that the implemented solutions comply with the requirement specification defined in Work Package 6, a testing strategy and respective test cases are provided.