Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union


European stakeholders to discuss future of railways at the Shift2Rail Dialogue at the Digital Transport Days

More than 200 participants from across Europe will take part in the Shift2Rail Dialogue at the Digital Transport Days, which will take place on 7 October 2019 in Helsinki.   The event will consist of two panel discussions and a presentation on the expected results of Shift2Rail innovations. The high level speakers, including Mr. Mikko Koskinen, Secretary of State to the Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications and Mr. Henrik Hololei, Director-General for Mobility and…

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Innovation in the Spotlight: Towards unattended mainline train operations (ATO GoA 4)

  Main benefits Energy savings up to 45% depending on travel distance/type of operations Significantly increase the level of punctuality +/- 15% on mainline and 23% for suburban traffic, due to overall automation Higher capacity up to 50%, when combining with other technologies such as moving block and new communication systems. Higher operational flexibility Shift2Rail is working on automated train operations (ATO) based on European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) that would allow maximizing the…

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Shift2Rail to offer its vision for a future sustainable transport system at the World Rail Festival

World Rail Festival from 3-5 December in Amsterdam will bring together over 200 high-level speakers and more than 900 attendees to discuss on the most actual topics in the rail sector. Our Head of R&I Giorgio Travaini will give a keynote on how to bring the sector together to shape a future sustainable transport system.   During the three-day World Rail Festival, speakers from all over the rail sector will be discussing on a variety…

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Shift2Rail projects present their results in Paris

Experts working on Shift2Rail-funded projects on research and innovation for smarter train design and high capacity infrastructure presented their achievements at a conference that took place on 16-18 September 2019 in Paris. The three day event clustered results from four projects (PIVOT, Mat4Rail, RUN2Rail, FAIR Stations) running under Shift2Rail’s Innovation Programmes 1 and 3. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the latest results of Shift2Rail R&I activities related to smarter train design and high…

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Shift2Rail supports inclusive and gender balanced leadership for 21st century transport

Shift2Rail took part in the conference ‘Towards a more inclusive and diverse transport sector’, organized by the European Commission’s DG MOVE held in Brussels on 26 September. Our Executive Director, Carlo Borghini, was invited by Commissioner Violeta Bulc to a high-level discussion on inclusive and gender balanced leadership for 21st century transport, together with 30 other CEOs from the transport sector. During the discussion, Mr Borghini took the opportunity to announce that Shift2Rail is looking…

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Shift2Rail Participated to European R&I Days

Shift2Rail Executive Director Carlo Borghini took part in the European R&I Days panel discussion dedicated to railways of the future. The discussion took place on 24 September 2019 in Brussels, and hosted panellists from Shift2Rail, SNCF, UIP Rail, and the European Passengers’ Federation. During the session panellists emphasised that coordinated, joint efforts are needed to use the potential of digitalisation and automation to make rail operations and the rail industry more competitive on a global…

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