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Shift2Rail projects present their results in Paris

Experts working on Shift2Rail-funded projects on research and innovation for smarter train design and high capacity infrastructure presented their achievements at a conference that took place on 16-18 September 2019 in Paris. The three day event clustered results from four projects (PIVOT, Mat4Rail, RUN2Rail, FAIR Stations) running under Shift2Rail’s Innovation Programmes 1 and 3.

Participants had the opportunity to learn about the latest results of Shift2Rail R&I activities related to smarter train design and high capacity infrastructure. The innovations covered a wide spectrum of areas, including the new generation of car body shells, running gear, new braking systems, innovative doors and train modularity in use.

Visitors also had the opportunity to test different technology demonstrators, developed by Mat4Rail, such as ultralight seats, virtual prototype of a cabin, door prototype based on aluminum with innovative processes, and samples of different composites.