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European Year of Skills: Meet DG MOVE

Throughout the European Year of Skills 2023, we publish a video series on our YouTube channel. Watch as we share personal experiences of our Founding Members, partners, and staff through video messages, encouraging young people to build their careers in rail.

Learn directly from people in the industry what are the skills you can develop while working in rail, what skills are necessary to have and what skills are used daily. This way we are putting skills centre-stage and promoting a mindset of reskilling and upskilling. We are bringing organisations and people together to share their experiences and insights.

This month, hear from the Chairperson of our Governing Board, Director for Land Transport at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), Mr Kristian Schmidt.

DG MOVE develops and carries out the European Commission’s transport policies. By 2050, the EU aims to have a 60% cut in transport-related greenhouse gas emissions. More specifically the EU strives for a 50% shift of freight journeys from road to rail and to waterborne transport, the majority of medium‑distance travel to be completed by rail, a complete European high-speed rail network, a complete trans-European transport network, and more.