Rail JU logo in white
European Union flag

A body of the
European Union



ATO Automatic Train Operation
AWP Annual Work Plan
CBTC Communications-Based Train Control
CCA Cross-cutting activity
DG MOVE Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport
DG RTD Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
DG Directorate-General
DG RTD Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
DRIMS Dynamic Railway Information Management System
EFRTC European Federation of Trackworks Contractors
ERA European Union Agency for Railways
ERCI European Railway Cluster Initiative
ERFA European Rail Freight Association
ERRAC European Rail Research Advisory Council
ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System
ETCS European Train Control System
ETNA European Transport Network Alliance
FERRMED Promotion du Grand Axe Ferroviaire de Marchandises Scandinavie-Rhin-Rhône-Méditerranée Occidentale
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems
IAMS Intelligent Asset Management Strategies
IP Innovation Programme
ITD Integrated technology demonstrator
ITRE Industry, Research and Energy (Committee)
JU Joint Undertaking
LCC Life-cycle cost
MAAP Multi-Annual Action Plan
MB Moving block
MEP Member of the European Parliament
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
R&I Research and innovation
RAMS Reliability, availability, maintainability and safety
RFID Radio-frequency identification
RIMMS Railway Integrated Measuring and Monitoring System
S&C Switch & Crossing
SERA Single European Railway Area
SiC Silicon carbide
SME Small and medium-sized enterprise
SPD System platform demonstrator
SRG States Representatives Group
TCMS Train Control and Monitoring System
TD Technology Demonstrator
TLSG Technical Strategy Leadership Group
UIC Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer
UITP International Association of Public Transport
UNIFE Association of the European Rail Industry

Europe's Rail