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This report presents the main findings underpinning the establishment of a European High-Speed Rail (HSR) Network connecting the main European cities and regions, combining investments in constructing creating/upgrading new HSR lines and upgrading the digitalization and automation of existing ones, i.e. ERTMS. It confirms that investing in a comprehensive European HSR network will deliver added value to European society and massively reduce the environmental footprint of European passenger transport. The report proposes a master plan for HSR network connecting all EU capitals and major cities and calls for the Commission and Member States for a coordinated implementation with sufficient funding in the next decades. Such comprehensive network equalling at least tripling of the existing HSR network will certainly require high investment costs averaging to €550 billion but in return deliver a net positive benefit in the range of €750 billion to society.












Executive Report: Smart and affordable rail services in the EU: a socio-economic and environmental study for High-Speed in 2030 and 2050

Technical Report 1: Smart and affordable rail services in the EU: a socio-economic and environmental study for High-Speed in 2030 and 2050

Technical Report 2: Smart and affordable rail services in the EU: a socio-economic and environmental study for High-Speed in 2030 and 2050


Europe's Rail