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Human Capital Report Series

The Human Capital Report Series consists of five reports commissioned by Shift2Rail JU and conducted by TNO and NewRail, looking into human capital aspects in the railway sector. The reports assess the current state of play of socio-economic features of human capital and how Shift2Rail JU has contributed to positive changes in the rail sector. In addition, the reports offer solutions on how to further enhance sustainable employment, human resource policy and decrease skills gaps that would further contribute to evolvement of the whole transport sector in Europe.


Bridging the Skills Gap for the Rail Sector: Analysis of Six Measures and Recommendations


Building Blocks for a New Skills Ecosystem in the Rail Sector: Assessment of the state of play in employment in the railway sector


Employment and skills in the rail sector: Impact analysis of Shift2Rail’s innovation programmes


New skills required for the future, skills gap per staff category in the railway sector


Socio-economic aspects of human capital: Assessment of the state of play in employment in the railway sector