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European Union flag

A body of the
European Union


Annual Activity Reports

Europe's Rail Annual Activity Report is a yearly publication highlighting the progress made by all five Shift2Rail's research & innovation programmes and cross-cutting activities during the previous year. The Annual Activity Reports also include details about...

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European DAC Investment Plan

This report provides an investment plan which would enable the deployment of Digital Automatic Coupler (DAC) and thereby revolutionise the European rail freight industry, further strengthening the EU’s overall sustainable and digital strategy. Currently, rail freight...

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Catalogue of Solutions, 2022 Edition

This 2022 edition of the Europe’s Rail Catalogue of Solutions illustrates successful R&I results in the form of possible products and solutions, while highlighting the benefits for final users, operators, infrastructure managers and/or suppliers. This publication...

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Europe’s Rail Factsheet

  Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail) is the European partnership on rail research and innovation established under the Horizon Europe programme. EU-Rail along with its 26 Founding Members delivers results that will contribute to the EU Sustainable and...

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  The Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) contributes to smart and sustainable growth by developing cutting-edge innovative solutions to create the railway systems of the future for passengers and freight transport mode. Funded under the Horizon 2020 Programme,...

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Innovation in Action brochure

Joint undertakings are agile, efficient and inclusive public-private partnerships, capable of leveraging knowledge, skills and expertise. Joint undertakings keep ahead of the curve by delivering scientific excellence and innovation across key industrial sectors -...

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Multi-Annual Action Plan

  The Shift2Rail JU Multi-Annual Action Plan (MAAP) consists of two parts: Part A - Executive View, adopted by the Shift2Rail JU Governing Board on 27 October 2017; Part B - Technical Content, adopted by the Shift2Rail JU Governing Board on 14 November 2019....

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Europe's Rail