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Press Releases

New study shows good potential for hydrogen-powered trains in Europe

A new study commissioned by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) and Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) analyses the opportunities to enable a larger introduction of fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) technologies within the European railway market. The study shows significant market potential for FCH technologies in the rail environment. The technology provides a flexible, zero-emission and potentially cost-competitive solution underpinning clear business cases to replace diesel trains, within certain contexts. Read…

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Space for Rail: Bringing the Benefits of Global Satellite Navigation to Railway Customers in Europe and Beyond

Vienna, 18 March 2019 – The Austrian Infrastructure Minister Nobert Hofer welcomed an illustrious group of European and international experts to discuss the important role of satellite-based positioning technology for the future of the European railway sector today in Vienna. While traditional and ageing technologies are being gradually phased out, satellite technology opens up new possibilities for providing a scalable solution for railway positioning and increasing the safety of rail transport. It also supports cost efficiency for…

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Shift2Rail publishes its new Call for Proposals 2019

Projects worth €150,3 million will be funded under the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (S2R JU) 2019 Call for Proposals for Research & Innovation activities. Shift2Rail has just opened the application period, based on its Annual Work Plan 2019. Submissions will be accepted until 18 June 2019. Download the press release. 

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Press Release – Shif2rail project PINTA phase 1 final Conference held in Rabat, Morocco

The Shift2Rail project PINTA phase 1, coordinated by Alstom and with the participation of Bombardier, CAF, Deutsche Bahn, Faiveley Transport Italy, Knorr-Bremse, Siemens, SNCF and Talgo, organized the project’s final conference hosted by the ONCF, IFF “Institut de Formation Ferroviaire” and EMI “Ecole Mohammedia des ingénieurs” in Rabat, Morocco. Download the Press Release

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