Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union

Press Releases

Council agrees its position on the European Railway Agency

The proposal to include a Council Regulation establishing Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking in our priorities, reflects our strong interest in rail transport. Shift2Rail can serve as a tool for promoting rail transport research and advancing European rail transport system, as well as the industry and market development in this field. Hellenic Presidency

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Council agrees its position on the European Railway Agency

The Council adopted its position on a draft Council regulation intended to set up a public-private partnership called Shift2Rail joint undertaking, which will manage a research and innovation work programme to support the development of better rail services in Europe. Shift2Rail’s goal is to double the capacity of the railway transport system, to reduce its life-cycle cost by 50% and to increase the reliability and punctuality of rail services by 50%. Railway Insider

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The European Commission adopts Shift2Rail, tripling EU-funding for rail research and innovation

The European Commission published today the proposal for a Council regulation establishing the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (JU). This key initiative will make rail transport more attractive to millions of European passengers and freight users and boost the competitiveness of the most sustainable transport mode. In doing so, the R&D outputs of Shift2Rail will help solve the societal transport challenges outlined in Horizon2020 and realise the key objectives of the Commission’s 2011 White Paper on Transport. Shift2Rail…

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