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Results published in February 2023

Requirements for the High-TRL Drive by Data Network Devices


Description: The deliverable details the requirements for the High-TRL Drive by Data (DbD) Network Devices (ND) and configurations tools developed in Safe4RAIL-3 WP1 & WP3. These requirements build on the Safe4RAIL-2 and CONNECTA-2 projects requirements.  Additionally, new requirements have been received from CONNECTA-3. The deliverable analyses these requirements and includes the feedback from Safe4RAIL-3 partners.

Target audience: All rail stakeholders

How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: It suggests the detail requirements for the High-TRL Drive by Data (DbD) Network Devices (ND) and configurations tools. This deliverable will be the basic for the network rail technology in the future and the innovation ideas.

More information on this topic: Safe4Rail-3

Antenna Installation Guidelines


Description: In this deliverable the results of a series of ray-tracing simulations are presented for Wireless Train Backbone (WLTB), Wireless Consist Network) (WLCN) and Train-to-Ground (T2G) links. Based on these results, several recommendations and guidelines are provided for selection of commercial railway antennas.

Target audience: All rail stakeholders

How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: It provides an insight on the propagation of the radio signal outside and inside trains, allowing a proper selection of commercial antennas for the optimal deployment of radio links in railway environments.

More information on this topic: Safe4Rail-3

Progress on the Conceptual Data Model


Description: This deliverable describes a summary of the work done for the Conceptual Data Model (CDM).  The described data model is designed with the intention of continuous expansion and adaptability towards requirements from the whole railway sector and the structure of Europe’s Rail.

Target audience: All rail stakeholders

How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: Through this deliverable the LinX4Rail stakeholders are aiming to set up a European data model to be used by the railway community.

More information on this topic: LinX4Rail