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Description: The work on ground vibration within SILVARSTAR aims to provide the railway community a user-friendly prediction tool for ground vibration impact studies. This tool will be used for environmental impact assessment of new or upgraded railways on a system level. This document presents an overview of the underlying computation theory and provides support to those beginning to use the SILVARSTAR prototype software.
Target audience: Noise Experts, IMs, Authorities
How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: The benefit of such tool is to further reduce the annoyance coming from ground vibration by assessing the noise and vibration environmental impact of railway traffic on a system level mitigation measures.
More information on this topic: SILVARSTAR
Description: This report focuses on the validation of the prototype vibration prediction tool against numerical and experimental case histories. Extensive vibration measurements were performed at different sites resulting in a large data set containing transfer functions and vibration velocity levels during train passages. This is completed with determination of dynamic soil characteristics by means of situ geophysical prospection tests (SASW, SCPT, seismic refraction) and laboratory tests (bender element tests). The validation is performed by comparing experimental vibration velocity levels to those obtained with numerical and hybrid models.
Target audience: Noise Experts, IMs, Industry
How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: The benefit of such tool is to further reduce the annoyance coming from ground vibration by assessing the noise and vibration environmental impact of railway traffic on a system level mitigation measures.
More information on this topic: SILVARSTAR