Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union


  • Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking proposed by the European Commission to the …
    Europe’s Rail partnership, the successor to the current Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, has been officially announced today by the European Commission as part of a proposal for the set-up of 10 new European Partnerships under the Horizon Europe programme. All the partnerships share the objective of achieving a climate neutral and digital Europe. Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking will build on the successful results of Shift2Rail’s work with its […]
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Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking
White Atrium building, 2nd Floor
Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60

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Improving Rail’s Energy Supply and Consumption

Rail infrastructure and rolling stock requires a complex electrical network – one that can transform energy from public power supply networks and then distribute this energy along the track to the rail vehicles. Within today’s railway infrastructure, system energy consumption is usually measured at the substations. This consumption tends to be averaged over a defined period, which doesn’t allow for an exact energy analysis. An increasing demand for rail-based journeys means an increased demand for…

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Results Published in April 2024

Report on the Optimisation Tool for Multi-functional Design Solutions DOWNLOAD HERE Description: Multifunctional designs can optimise the overall vehicle system, including its subsystems, by incorporating all functional requirements from the outset. However, especially at the beginning of the design process, when design freedom is high and system understanding is low, this can be challenging. The Topology Optimisation of Binary Structures (TOBS), which was previously introduced as a solution in the Shift2Rail project, PIVOT2, is extended…

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Pods4Rail – Developing a new kind of mobility system

To benefit the rail sector and its final users, our new Pods4Rail project, worth EUR 2.9 million with 15 partners, is ready to substantiate the concept for a digitalised, decentralised mobility service with multimodal interfaces to different transport modes in order to carry out a concept for a door-to-door transport chain based on rail by 2025 and thus contribute to the necessary transformation of the European rail network. In this article, Pods4Rail Coordinator, Dirk Winkler…

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Europe’s Rail Project Results Published in March 2024

Data model and format for a harmonised EU planning of railway assets DOWNLOAD HERE Description: Workstream 2 (WS2) within Flagship Project 1 – MOTIONAL, aims at delivering digital enablers to support the digitalisation across Railway Undertakings (RUs), Infrastructure managers (IMs) and other Rail Industry participants. Work Package (WP) 27 is part of WS2, and aims to deliver the models, format, acceptance criteria, demonstrations, and specifications for railway assets. This deliverable D27.1 represents the first step…

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Results published in March 2024

Moving Block Enhancement Proposals DOWNLOAD HERE Description: This deliverable aims to finalise the exploration and integration of key technologies, including Moving Block signaling systems. The deliverable extends the Moving Block specifications of the project by evaluating the various enhancement proposals for the current conception of the highest specification level of the European Train Control System (formerly ETCS Level 3) and assessing their potential technical scope. The six identified enhancement topics are first described regarding their…

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Europe’s Rail Project Results Published in February 2024

Identification of the requirements and associated demonstrations for the Rail Operations Planning Technical Enablers DOWNLOAD HERE Description: The objective of this deliverable is to describe and identify the high-level requirements for seven technical enablers, and their mapping against previous results, current state of practice and development needs. These technical enablers are grouped within three major areas: Rail services Planning, Integration of Planning Systems and Processes, Decision Support and Optimisation, and Simulation and Operational Feedback. The…

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