Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union


  • Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking proposed by the European Commission to the …
    Europe’s Rail partnership, the successor to the current Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, has been officially announced today by the European Commission as part of a proposal for the set-up of 10 new European Partnerships under the Horizon Europe programme. All the partnerships share the objective of achieving a climate neutral and digital Europe. Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking will build on the successful results of Shift2Rail’s work with its […]
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Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking
White Atrium building, 2nd Floor
Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60

Latest News

Results published in December

Description of the vibration prediction tool DOWNLOAD HERE Description: The work on ground vibration within SILVARSTAR aims to provide the railway community a user-friendly prediction tool for ground vibration impact studies. This tool will be used for environmental impact assessment of new or upgraded railways on a system level. This document presents an overview of the underlying computation theory and provides support to those beginning to use the SILVARSTAR prototype software. Target audience: Noise Experts,…

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Results published in November

Technology survey of the services provided by IP4MaaS DOWNLOAD HERE Description: This deliverable collects the available information about the services provided by the IP4MaaS project that can be integrated in the Shift2Rail Innovation Programme 4 ecosystem. The deliverable provides: a list of the relevant functions available in the Shift2Rail ecosystem, as communicated by Call For Member (CFM) project partners; an analysis of the web services available in each of the six demo sites of the…

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Results published in October

Performance Targets and KPIs DOWNLOAD HERE Description: The purpose of this deliverable is to specify the methodology required to monitor the KPIs as defined as part of the Ride2Rail project. The objectives of this methodology are to be valid and reliable in terms of how data is captured and measured, while being suitable for the constraints of demonstration sites and, in a later phase, any dissemination locations. Target audience: Transport Service Providers & Stakeholders How…

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DAC Day gathers key Central and Eastern European stakeholders in Prague

Against the backdrop of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC) Day organised by Lindholmen Science Park in collaboration with Europe’s Rail Founding Member Trafikverket, brought together key rail stakeholders from Central and Eastern Europe. The event organised in the frame of the DACcelerate project, was supported by the Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking and the European DAC Delivery Programme (EDDP), enabled by Europe’s Rail. The conference…

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Results published in September

Report on AI approaches and models DOWNLOAD HERE Description: This document is the first of three RAILS reports introducing the ongoing work on the pilot cases studies selected to investigate the application of AI methods in different railway domains. This Deliverable specifically focuses on automatic and safe train operations. The following two case studies are being developed: 1) Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance, and 2) Cooperative Driving for Virtual Coupling of Autonomous Trains. The discussion…

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Results published in June

DSS algorithms and data integration Specification report DOWNLOAD HERE Description: This deliverable defines the main requirements for the design of a Decision Support System (DSS) to help multimodal Travel Service Providers in the management of unplanned disruptions and events, by exploiting the existing multimodal services. The document includes system analysis, logical architecture and the lists of system requirements. Target audience: Operators How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: When a disruption occurs,…

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