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The European Parliament has adopted the Discharge in respect to the implementation of Shift2Rail’s 2017 budget that recognises its use to create a continuity and common vision for rail research while building trust within the rail community.

The European Parliament notes Shift2Rail’s efficient work and good financial management as well as its successful activities in increasing Shift2Rail’s visibility.

The Discharge welcomes Shift2Rail’s work that brings together rail stakeholders to share ideas also outside usual commercial situations. As the management cost ratio remains below 5%, the European Parliament finds Shift2Rail to be an efficient organisation using its financial means to achieve its purpose. In addition, the discharge brings out Shift2Rail’s successful communication activities that have increased the number of website visitors, social media followers and press coverages. Finally, the European Parliament welcomed the launch of the 2018 Call making use of the Lump Sum Grant Pilot, it being the first in the European Union to implement the full cycle till implementation.

Read the full discharge here.

Europe's Rail