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Can’t make it to our Info Day in Brussels on 10 December about our new 2020 Call? Read on for other Info Days you may be able to join instead! Regional Information Days on the Shift2Rail Call for Proposals 2020 will give valuable information about our upcoming funding opportunity as well as R&I results arising from the Programme so far to interested participants in Berlin, Paris, Jerusalem and Ankara.

These Info Days offer a great chance for all stakeholders in the mobility sector interested in Shift2Rail to learn more about the work we are doing in order to build synergies and find ways for future cooperation.

Click below to learn more about a Shift2Rail Information Day which might be happening close to you:





Shift2Rail encourages stakeholders working in the transport and mobility sector to organise local information days focusing on the funding opportunities of Shift2Rail that helps to further enhance the railway sector in their countries and across Europe. In addition to possible cooperation with Shift2Rail, these events offer a great opportunity for networking and help to foster our common goal to further integrate the railway sector, find synergies and fruitful ways to cooperate.

Europe's Rail