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Evaluation models of ‘Modal Shift’


Description: The report describes the results of applying the modal shift evaluation models to the Shift2Rail impact scenario, as well as, eight alternative future scenarios such as autonomous vehicles (AVs) and electric vehicles (EVs) with and without effects of S2R innovations. The analysis shows that the Shift2Rail innovations have potential to deliver substantial increases in rail demand for all analysed market segments except metro.

Target audience: All rail stakeholders

How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: The deliverable describes the main drivers for the modal shifts for the four System Platform Demonstrators (High-Speed, Regional, urban/metro and freight. This helps to better understand the priorities to be put for each SPD.

More information on this topic: CCA Work Areas

Drive-by-Data demonstrator support


Description: This deliverable details the Drive-by-Data (DbD) hardware validation and supporting procedures of Safe4RAIL-2 project for the demonstrators of CONNECTA-2.

Target audience: Operators (rail operator companies); Suppliers (vehicle and part manufacturers)

How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: The deliverable proves the integration in train network devices of Drive-by-Data (DbD) technology, which is based on Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) and increases the time precision of the data managed in the TCMS.

More information on this topic: TD 1.2 – Train Control and Monitoring System Demonstrator

Advanced Wireless Technologies and Applications for Wireless TCMS


Description: This deliverable summarizes the activities done in WP2 on advanced technologies for wireless TCMS, such as 5G, wireless Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Virtual Coupling.

Target audience: Operators (rail operator companies); Suppliers (vehicle and part manufacturers)

How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: The application of advanced wireless technologies in the wireless TCMS will increase its capabilities in terms of time precision and throughput.

More information on this topic: TD 1.2 – Train Control and Monitoring System Demonstrator

Terms of reference, requirements and specifications for novel journal bearing concept


Description: The GEARBODIES project is part of Innovation Programme 1 (IP1) “Cost-efficient and reliable trains, including high-capacity trains and high-speed trains”. The review and preliminary assessment of existing and emerging technologies and technical solutions, as well as the definition of requirements for specific use cases identified are key pre-requisites for further work. The selected available solutions and the requirements for key use cases for journal bearings enabled the definition of specifications for technologies and technical solutions that would be further developed and tested in GEARBODIES, at Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4-5.

Target audience: Operators (rail operator companies); Infrastructure management companies; Suppliers (vehicle and part manufacturers)

How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: The journal bearings are the elements that connect the wheelset (more precisely the part of the axle called the journal) to the axleboxes, which in return support the primary suspension. Their main function is to allow free relative rotation of the connected parts whilst transferring all the required loads (longitudinal, lateral, vertical, and all torques except about the lateral axis). GEARBODIES focusses on the Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) aspects of bearing units, and in particular their lifetime, which is the main cost driver for this component. In particular, extending maintenance intervals for high-speed applications could lead to significant operator benefits.

More information on this topic: GEARBODIES

Europe's Rail