The January 2025 edition of the Europe’s Rail newsletter is out! We are happy to unveil our completely new design,...

Work Stream 2 of our Flagship Project 1 (FP1) MOTIONAL focuses on investigating existing and new solutions for digital enablers across all Europe’s Rail Destinations. This deliverable sets the framework for the collection of use cases from all the Flagship Projects and proposes a use case collection template. The identified collection process is based on the Swim Lane Methodology that maps all stakeholders to the various steps of this process. The use case examples provided are meant to support the development of the use cases by the flagship projects involved in the process.
Target audience: Europe’s Rail (EU-Rail) Flagship projects and System Pillar
How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: This deliverable provides a clear methodology and templates used for the collection of the use cases from all EU-Rail destinations in order to support the demonstrations for the transversal topics.
More information on this topic: Flagship Project 1 MOTIONAL
This deliverable is part of the activities carried out in the Flagship Project 2 (FP2) R2DATO, focused on developing and implementing the next generation of Automatic Train Control (ATC) to achieve the Grade of Automation 4 (GoA4) by 2030. Specifically, this deliverable aims to identify and classify tramway use cases, requirements, and specifications for both operations and depots. The deliverable successfully outlined the ATO architecture, following the EN50126 process up to the system definition stage and highlighting the potential for significant improvements in urban transport through automation. Notable conclusions include identifying roles that can be minimized or replaced with automated systems, leading to enhanced operational efficiency.
Target audience: Rail stakeholders
How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: The project aims to contribute to the European Commission’s targets for sustainable, smart mobility by increasing the competitiveness of rail, boosting freight and passenger traffic, and promoting environmental sustainability. This will enhance the capacity and efficiency of existing tramways networks, improving infrastructure usage, safety, and overall performance.
More information on this topic: Flagship Project 2 R2DATO