As Europe’s railways expand, their safety and efficiency depend increasingly on knowing every train’s position....
Identification of Common Business Objectives to Assess Business Impact of Future Rail System Architecture
Description: This output provides a foundation for a structured change management process by identifying commonalities in the business objectives of railways and suppliers. They will be applied as business impact assessment criteria for the design decisions which need to be taken for the future Rail System Architecture.
Target audience: All rail stakeholders; Railway Undertakings; Infrastructure Managers; Suppliers (vehicle and part manufacturers)
How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: Thanks to a mutual, strong and persistent end-customer orientation, a heterogeneous group of railway stakeholders manage to identify a substantial number of overlapping interests and objectives. This will help us not only to develop innovations which are technically feasible, but also economically viable and sustainable.
More information on this topic: LINX4RAIL Website
Big Data Architecture and Implementation in IP4 Ecosystem
Description: The Business Analytics platform is based on a common architecture across the partners, with different implementations, to allow testing and benchmarking numerous components. The platforms handle large datasets representing a variety of transport data (ticketing data, supervision data, contextual data).
Target audience: Operators (rail operator companies); Infrastructure management companies
How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: Use cases defined by rail operators and the use of real and large datasets guides the choices related to the implementation of the different platforms. Thanks to this approach, the platforms cover large needs identified by operators and allow rich exploitation of their data.
More information on this topic: CONNECTIVE Website
Data Management, Analytics and Visual Analytics that Help Operators Exploit Their Data
Description: This output presents a large set of algorithms and tools developed to solve real use cases defined by operators. It includes anonymisation algorithms, simulation, Machine Learning and deep learning algorithms, and optimisation techniques for decision support. Lastly, new visualisation components, including virtual reality, offer dynamic and interactive visualisations.
Target audience: Operators (rail operator companies); Infrastructure management companies
How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: The project proposes different solutions to help operators in the exploitation of their data. It offers decision support tools providing operational results directly to transport operators. It proposes simulation capabilities to enrich data when original data is not rich enough for the necessary analyses. Finally, it answers questions relative to GDPR.
More information on this topic: CONNECTIVE Website
Final Report on the Results of the Pilot Implementation Validation of Interoperability Solutions
Description: This output validates the functional and non-functional capabilities of the implemented solution within the final release (F-REL) of the SPRINT project. Section 2 reports the functional validation of the use case scenarios defined in deliverable 5.4, describing how each scenario has been implemented using the tools developed within the SPRINT project.
Target audience: Final users; Operators
How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: The SPRINT tools cover different aspects related to the Interoperability Framework (IF) such as ontology engineering, mapping engineering, integration of heterogeneous systems and lastly governance and publishing automation. SPRINT partners tested how these tools support the collaborative development of an ontology, which is a key phase in a large multilateral effort as the IP4 interoperability framework .
More information on this topic: SPRINT Website