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On-board Train Integrity Technology Migration & Standardisation proposal of the On-Board Train Integrity Interfaces


Description: X2RAIL-4, one of the Members’ projects implementing the S2R Innovation Programme 2, completed the activities related to On-Board Train Integrity (OTI). The technology demonstrator completed its technical activities in December 2022. The first deliverable is addressing based on which conditions the new technology needed for OTI should be introduced. The second deliverable is making a proposal for standardisation of the interfaces related to on-board train integrity and train length determination functionality.

Target audience: All rail stakeholders

How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: On-Board Train integrity is a key function necessary to enabler ETCS Level 3, thus increasing capacity on existing railway lines as well as removing line side detection systems (saving investment and maintenance cost).

More information on this topic: X2RAIL-4


Europe's Rail