The January 2025 edition of the Europe’s Rail newsletter is out! We are happy to unveil our completely new design,...

Existing track systems (namely ballast tracks in Europe) struggle to keep up with ongoing increases in operational traffic, demand for reliability and lifecycle cost (LCC), and the need to decrease noise and vibrations. This is exacerbated by the fact that the adoption of innovative new track solutions is often slow due to the need for extensive testing and acceptance procedures.
As a result, maintenance costs for track components remains around 50-60% of a railway infrastructure’s total maintenance costs. Track-related installation costs also account for a significant portion of total installation costs, while direct, secondary, and long-term costs related to malfunctioning track structures are massive. Furthermore, fixing these issues often involves large track works, which can shut down traffic for a considerable amount of time.
Clearly what is needed are improved track system solutions that require less maintenance and offer improved precision in identifying exact maintenance targets and better installation methods. Helping to answer this need is the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (JU). Through various technical demonstrators (TD), the JU aims to deliver innovative technologies and components for premium track structures.
One such component is switch and crossings (S&C). The basic design of S&C assemblies has remained unchanged since their inception. As a result, S&C related failures account for an estimated 25-30% of all infrastructure failures on some European railways.
Add to this the significant proportion of the S&C LCC relating to the monitoring and maintenance activities needed to ensure that the system is functional for the safe running of trains, and it’s easy to see why critical S&C failures must be substantially reduced.
To do this, the JU proposed two TDs:
The main objective of the TD is to improve the operational performance of existing S&C designs, delivering new S&C subsystems with enhanced Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS), LCC, sensing and monitoring capabilities, self-adjustment, noise and vibration performance, interoperability, and modularity.
The research
The research involved developing enhanced S&C whole system behaviour models that could be used to better understand the system and to optimise its design. It also utilised computer aided engineering (CAE) as a means of integrating mechanical, electrical, and software components into the design.
One of the key outcomes of the research was the development of improved components and technologies capable of optimising the points operating system (actuation, locking, and detection) for RAMS while also reducing whole system LCC. Another key outcome of this work was the development of new sustainable materials to minimise deterioration and failures, extend asset life, and reduce maintenance needs.
The research also looked to enhance the wheel-rail interaction’s impact on the durability of such key components as switch parts/blades and crossing nose. In addition, it looked at developing enhanced inspection, monitoring, and measuring systems based on the use of embedded and integrated sensors that would enable self-diagnosis and the remote condition monitoring of an asset’s condition, deterioration, and performance.
Outcomes and key results
Based on the aforementioned research, several demonstrators were developed:
A full-scale switch and crossing demonstrator was tested in an operational environment under realistic dynamic loading conditions. Additional system monitoring, going above and beyond the designed system remote condition monitoring, have been developed and used to provide performance data that can be compared against existing S&C systems.
Other outcomes and findings of note from the demonstration activities include:
By developing a truly cross-functional and integrated S&C operating system that uses modern technology in innovative ways, the research opens the door to new opportunities for infrastructure managers. Leveraging this work, they are in a position to provide real-time preventative maintenance activities that will increase system longevity and availability and, in doing so, increase service revenue while reducing the need for manual intervention.
The main objective of the TD was to provide radical new S&C system solutions. By embracing new designs that use completely new methods for switching trains between tracks, these S&C system solutions aim to drastically improve capacity and performance and reduce costs – all while maintaining safety as an overriding factor.
Not constrained by traditional S&C setups, the new designs focused on using advanced materials, enhanced elastomeric components, optimised sensor technologies, and adaptive controls with active control closed loop feedback for self-adjusting/compensation.
The TD also explored the potential of applying nano technology to metallurgy, with a particular focus on self-healing properties, as well as the use of composite and other non-ferrous combinations. Furthermore, friction modifiers and lubrication systems were investigated as a way of coping with new technologies and harsh environmental conditions (e.g. sand, ice).
Overview of work performed
Conventional S&C design incorporating many next generation concepts
This demonstrator was used to assess the individual and collective improvement potential for each next generation technological development. The subsystems were meant to contribute to a future WSM, ultimately demonstrating the benefits of making incremental changes to existing S&C design. It also looked to contribute to an improved system RAMS by designing out known failures.
The benefit of this approach is that it allows multiple long-term technologies (as opposed to fewer, short-term incremental improvements) to be introduced to the existing S&C system. Unfortunately, the demonstrator delivered little, incomplete, or undocumented progress.
A series of individual demonstrators
This task was meant to carry out the necessary tests to determine the functional performance of the subsystem assemblies. Work included kinematic system design and progressing the design to the production of a prototype of the next generation points operating equipment (ALD).
The work supported the manufacturing and assembly of first-of-type components and subsystems to enable the necessary testing for design validation. This also ensured the continued embedment of advanced switch controls to be installed on a future integrated next generation S&C system demonstrator. Furthermore, the work partially identified the information needed to interface the S&C to a remote interlocking via, for example, a networking protocol.
Another important aspect of the task was the design of the components and development of the prototype, including the manufacturing and testing of the S&C system’s individual components and materials. Various manufacturing processes, such as additive manufacturing, were also explored as a means of optimising and scaling the manufacturing process towards mass production.
Next generation S&C concept
The main feature of this S&C concept design was its lack of conventional switch rails and crossings, a feature made possible by integrating component and subsystem developments into a holistic, whole-system virtual demonstration.
Although such an approach would enable a small-scale physical component demonstrator to be developed and tested in a lab, this did not happen due to issues with the supplier. If such a demonstrator was developed, it would have included a novel wheel rail transfer design that eliminates the need for moveable switch rails.
That being said, a demonstrator for the innovative tramway moveable point crossings was successfully tested and, following virtual and prototype development, progressed into a physical demonstrator.
New automated inspection and repair technology
The aim of this line of work was to reduce the need for on-track human activities and to improve worker safety by limiting their exposure to site-based hazards. To do this, the task aimed to deliver automated and accurate inspection of the next generation S&C system. This was to be done using remote controlled vehicle-mounted technology and drones. Unfortunately, limited success was achieved, and the research was not completed.
The task did find success in its use of autonomous repair technologies for repairing isolated rail defects. The work reached TRL 5/6 (technology validated/demonstrated in relevant environment) and was demonstrated on current S&C designs with a combination of milling and welding processes under computer numerical control. However, the repair of discrete rail head defects has not yet been fully demonstrated. This technology is applicable to the automated restoration of worn/damaged crossings and is ready to be further developed into feasible concepts for demonstration within an industrial relevant environment.
The TD set out to develop demos (up to TRL 5/6) capable of demonstrating the performance of new component and subsystem designs and, where feasible, integrating them into a whole-system prototype. This was to be done primarily using traditional switch rail and crossing configurations as a basis for incorporating other step-change subsystem and component developments, with the end goal being achieving the required next generation S&C whole-system performance.
The TD also set out to develop a radical next generation S&C whole-system virtual demonstrator (up to TRL 4 – technology validated in lab). The virtual demonstrator was to integrate future system capabilities into a holistic design concept.
Beyond S&C, the JU also looked at ways to optimise and improve the overall track system. It did this primarily through two TDs:
With the goal of improving the operational performance of existing track systems, the optimised track system TD aimed to fundamentally challenge track construction assumptions that are implicit in current European track design.
The TD explored how new construction designs can make use of modern materials to provide high levels of sustainability, capacity, and LLC savings relative to existing construction types. In addition to investigating innovative products, processes, procedures, and construction methods, the TD also looked at ways to renew existing track assets.
Optimised track system TD goals
At the core of the TD was a desire to provide an opportunity for the large-scale validation of innovative solutions and the quantification of their benefits. To ensure that all solutions meet actual user needs, the TD worked closely with infrastructure managers and all solutions were developed and verified with vehicle interaction in mind.
Based on this cooperation, a number of demonstrators were developed.
Innovative track solutions, along with prototypes for innovative track condition monitoring and track maintenance, were developed to different levels of maturity, with the most promising solutions being validated via testing and demonstrators.
The demonstrators focused on the future requirements for track systems and incorporated expectations on future operational loads, maintenance possibilities, LCC and RAMS levels, climate impact, etc. The intention was to show how the proposed track system solutions would impact high speed/mainline, regional, freight, and urban/suburban traffic conditions.
The idea behind the demonstrators was to validate optimum combinations of technology innovations and demonstrate the expected benefits of the innovations through identified KPIs. They also aimed to ensure the safety, interoperability, and competitiveness of rail by selecting those solutions that could best meet such challenges as capacity/user demand, reliability/quality of services, and LCC/competitiveness.
Outcomes and key findings
The TD produced demonstrators that aimed to:
The delivered demonstrators can be grouped into the following areas:
Overall new track systems
Optimised wheel/rail interaction
Sleeper and other rail support solutions
Noise and vibration
The demonstrators related to noise and vibration focused on solutions to:
All solutions were evaluated via slab track operations using numerical assessment and validations.
The demonstrators also investigated methods to predict and mitigate curve squeal from curves with small radii and ways to reduce noise after the machining of rails.
The outcome was a library of performances for different track solutions, with mitigating vibration levels expressed in 1/3 octave bands and with a preferable maximum frequency of up to 1 kHz.
Integrated maintenance procedures
The demonstrators related to integrated maintenance procedures focused on optimising:
The demonstrations included the development of embedded sensors in the track system, enhancing maintenance decisions and resulting in improved prognostic and health management. The sensor is designed to measure temperature, vibration, and noise. Eventually, the use of AI will allow the data to be processed and used to predict failures.
The work also demonstrated how enhancing tamping parameters, in combination with a georeferenced track geometry measurement system, can improve the performance and efficiency of the ballast tamping processes.
Together, the demonstrated new track and maintenance technologies will contribute to an estimated 20-30% increase in capacity. This is the result of their ability to deliver decreased track disturbances, less invasive inspections and maintenance interventions, reduced track failures and deterioration, and reduced noise and vibrations.
The demonstrators also achieved a 10-20% reduction in LCC for some track systems, particularly for the developed innovative slab track. This is due to the solutions’ modularity, which reduces installation and replacement costs, extends the use of recyclable materials, and enables the development of new cost-efficient solutions using virtual testing.
Last but not least, the developed solutions have the potential to increase reliability (and punctuality) by 20-30%, the result of their ability to reduce unplanned maintenance and operational disturbances.
That being said, there is room for improvement, with further research and development likely to bring larger and more tangible benefits.
Like the optimised track system TD, the next generation track system TD identified and evaluated innovative track solutions. However, unlike the optimised track system TD, the solutions developed in this TD have a targeted horizon of around 40 years beyond the current state-of-the-art.
Thus, instead of prioritising harmonisation with today’s railway system, this TD prioritised step changes in performance. This allowed the TD to focus on providing key railway functionality without being restricted to current practices.
Next generation track system TD goals
Outcomes and key findings
At the core of the TD was a desire to develop new innovative technologies for premium track structures that can increase profits and lower customer costs. To ensure that all solutions meet actual user needs, the TD worked closely with infrastructure managers and all solutions were developed and verified with vehicle interaction in mind.
Based on this cooperation, demonstrators with the highest potential for delivering the necessary step change in track performance were delivered. These demos cover both next generation track system design and next generation track maintenance.
Next generation track system design demonstrators
Next generation track maintenance demonstrators
The next generation track maintenance demonstrators focused on developing technologies and processes up to TRL 6 that can be used for the early identification or prediction of component and system failures. Embedded sensing and monitoring requirements, together with autonomous inspection and repair techniques, were developed to improve efficiency and reduce the need to conduct these tasks on site, thus improving the safety and well-being of staff.
Conclusions and next steps
The TD’s aim was to identify and evaluate next generation innovative track solutions with a targeted time horizon of around 40 years beyond the current state-of-the-art. This means that some of the solutions researched and achieved are still too innovative for their benefits to be fully quantified.
That being said, many of the solutions developed within the TD will contribute to reducing track system installation costs and to ensuring the longer durability and stability of those track sections with traditionally higher maintenance requirements.
Take for example the automated/autonomous repair technology prototype, which demonstrated an automated solution for discrete repair of rail defects. This technology, together with the automated inspection recording vehicle, will likely deliver significant improvements in the rail repair process, both in terms of cost and risk reduction and regarding the impact these repairs have on capacity.
There’s also the prototyped non-destructive method for measuring thermal rail stress, which will enable the early detection of defects that could have catastrophic effects on operational safety.
It is also worth noting the array of benefits expected from the development of an instrumented vehicle for the autonomous monitoring and inspection of plain line applications. Although not fully quantifiable at this early stage, it is safe to say that the potential benefits will be significant. The same can be said of the rail repair by cold spray additive manufacturing concept. Even if it did not reach the expected level of maturity, it did demonstrate its potential for delivering significant benefits in terms of rail repair.
Both solutions, along with many others that were started during the TD, are clearly worth continuing in order to make them widely viable, commercially applicable, safety approved, and, eventually, adopted by the industry.
The following innovations in particular are ripe for further investigation and prototyping as they all have the potential to deliver significant benefits in terms of reducing LCC and maintenance and increasing system reliability: