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Description: Workstream 2 (WS2) within Flagship Project 1 – MOTIONAL, aims at delivering digital enablers to support the digitalisation across Railway Undertakings (RUs), Infrastructure managers (IMs) and other Rail Industry participants. Work Package (WP) 27 is part of WS2, and aims to deliver the models, format, acceptance criteria, demonstrations, and specifications for railway assets. This deliverable D27.1 represents the first step within WP27, and its scope is to provide a data model and format for a harmonised EU planning of railway assets starting from CCS+ (Control, Command and Signalling), in line with the models produced by Shift2Rail’s LinX4Rail project and EU-Rail’s System Pillar. The models presented in this deliverable are based on an analysis of the railway assets throughout their entire lifecycle and taking into consideration interoperability and the use of new technologies such as AI.
Target audience: Rail Infrastructure Stakeholders
How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: An effective railway operation as well as the use of Digital Twin requires a large amount of data from a wide variety of infrastructure and rolling stock, which must be consistent between stakeholders and across the entire supply chain. The prerequisite for these activities is the use of common data models, which is still not the case today. Instead, entries in all possible formats and descriptions must be collected, interpreted, and filtered, allowing a low level of digitalisation and poor system integration. This deliverable is a step forward towards the replacement of paper with digital tools as the primary means of information exchange in the planning of railway assets. The automation of the planning process not only simplifies engineering work, leading to a reduction of costs from development and testing processes, but also contributes to an adaptable, interoperable, and resilient ERTMS and thus ultimately to the vision of a Single European Rail Area.
More information on this topic: Flagship Project 1 MOTIONAL