Europe’s Rail December 2024 newsletter is here, packed with the latest updates from the European rail research and...
Identification of the requirements and associated demonstrations for the Rail Operations Planning Technical Enablers
Description: The objective of this deliverable is to describe and identify the high-level requirements for seven technical enablers, and their mapping against previous results, current state of practice and development needs. These technical enablers are grouped within three major areas: Rail services Planning, Integration of Planning Systems and Processes, Decision Support and Optimisation, and Simulation and Operational Feedback. The document also provides the high-level description for 13 demonstrations at the required TRL levels, and their mapping against the technical enablers, use cases, simulation environments, and partners involved, while taking into consideration the feedback loops between planning and operations.
Target audience: Rail Infrastructure Stakeholders
How it brings us closer to achieving better rail for Europe: This FP1-MOTIONAL deliverable sets the basis for the delivery of the technical enablers and the associated demonstrators that will pave the way to the future European Traffic Management System that will support a Single European Railway, making railway the backbone of a multimodal transport system for passengers and freight. The implementation of these enablers will support an efficient European cross-border scheduling, improved rail capacity using rolling stock planning and station/yard capacity planning decision support for short term planning, train path and schedule optimisation methods and strategies, improved rail traffic simulation models to forecast punctuality in the network, and new planning and operational processes using feedback loops from ERTMS ATO and C-DAS.
More information on this topic: Flagship Project 1 MOTIONAL