Europe’s Rail December 2024 newsletter is here, packed with the latest updates from the European rail research and...
When: 20 January 2016
When: Brussels at Charlemagne Building, European Commission, Rue de la Loi 170, 1000 Brussels
Download all Infoday presentations:
1. Welcome Speech and general introduction on the Shift2Rail JU
Christos Economou –Interim Executive Director, S2R
2. General information on H2020 and Shift2Rail
Keir Fitch – Head of Unit C, DG Move
3. Shift2Rail Multi-Annual Action Plan
Giorgio Travaini – Programme Coordinator, S2R
4. Topics open to non-JU Members from the S2R 2015 calls for proposals:
Rolling Stock and Cross-Cutting Activities
Alexandra Gurau – Programme Manager, S2R
Signalling and IT for passengers
Dorota Szeligowska – Programme Manager, S2R
Infrastructure and Freight
Georgios Patris – Programme Manager, S2R
5. Financial, legal and practical aspects: From submission of proposals to the award of grants:
Nina Rekolainen – Financial Officer, S2R
Sebastien Pechberty – Legal Officer, S2R
Rachel Smit/ Antoine Kedzierski – Policy Officers, DG Move