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Enterprise Europe Network partners, Grand E-nov, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and French and German Transport National Contact Points are co-organising an EU Brokerage Event to inform stakeholders, especially SMEs, on the Shift2Rail Call for Proposals 2019 on 29 November 2018.

Shift2Rail JU Executive Director and Innovation Programme managers will present the new Call and will answer questions from the audience on the different aspects of the programme.

After the information sessions, participants will be able to join B2B sessions where to meet other companies and research organisations in the railway sector, willing to find research partners as well as new business and technologies. An opportunity to explore new ways of cooperation.

Organisers expect to spur cross-border contacts and help SMEs increase their capacity for innovation, becoming more competitive on a global scale.

Deadline for registrations is 23rd November and participation is free of charge.

Click here to register and learn more.

Europe's Rail