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To wrap up 4 years of programming under Horizon2020, S2R JU launches Ben@Rail, a project under our Cross Cutting Activities (CCA).

Ben@Rail will last for 9 months from 1st October 2021 to 31st  June 2022 and will produce an overview of the progress expected from R&I activities and identify if outcomes will match stakeholders’ needs and requirements. The project will provide recommendations for enhancing alignment between R&I priorities set in EU Rail JU Master Plan and expectations from the sector stakeholders.

Building upon the knowledge in system development it aims to refine a suitable methodological scheme, and has the ambition to become the framework of reference for evaluating EU-funded R&I activities in railway transport.

Ben@Rail is a CCA component bridging the Work Area 1 “Socio-economics and System Platform Demonstrators” and Work Area 2 “Key Performance Indicators”

The consortium is composed of EURNEX as the coordinator, RWTH Aachen University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Budget: 169 985.00 EUR

Europe's Rail