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Shift2Rail announced today, at the Transport Research Arena Conference, the launch of its “Rail Research & Innovation Awards”. The Awards aim to acknowledge the commitment and progress accomplished by the teams working in Europe and beyond to deliver the S2R Research & Innovation Programme, creating innovative solutions to deliver a dramatic transformation of the European railway systems.

Applications are open for the following three categories of Awards:

  • The Decarbonisation Award, to acknowledge the project expected to deliver the most energy-efficient solutions.
  • The Digitalisation Award, to be bestowed to the project showing the most innovative expected results utilising breakthrough technologies.
  • The Project Management Award, to honour the best organised project showing the capacity to adapt to evolving technologies.

Commissioner for Mobility and Transport Ms. Violeta Bulc will bestow these three distinctions during InnoTrans, the European leading trade fair for rail technology.

If you wish to nominate a project or present your project for the Awards, please fill out the application form and send the required documents to: . If you are applying for more than one award please make sure to fill in separate application forms for each award.

Deadline for application: 31st July.

Europe's Rail