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System Pillar Engagement Workshop

Brussels, Belgium



System Pillar Engagement Workshop

Date: 23 May, 2024

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Learn more about what Europe’s Rail’s System Pillar is doing and discuss hot topics with System Pillar experts as they share the latest detailed information on their progress to date. During the workshop, the following topics will be discussed:

  • the Single European Railway Area Harmonised Operational Concepts and Processe
  • Standardised Railway System Architecture and what does it mean to you?
  • Train on-board systems including the capability and functions to reduce the reliance on Trackside systems.
  • Train Protection Systems and how they become standardised and interoperable.

While the content is primarily aimed at operational and technical experts, it should be of general interest. By demonstrating progress to date, sharing information and addressing questions, this event will continue to support the ongoing journey to making a more efficient, cost-effective and interoperable European railway system.

Click the link below to register.

Europe's Rail