The January 2025 edition of the Europe’s Rail newsletter is out! We are happy to unveil our completely new design,...

Thank you very much for coming to Shift2Rail’s Regional Cooperation Workshop on 9 October in Brussels. As a side event of the European Week of Regions and Cities, the workshop focused on building synergies between Shift2Rail and European Structural Investment Funds. Please see below a wrap-up video of the event!
Following a report published on 20 May by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre inviting Joint Undertakings to explore different possibilities for collaboration with European Structural and Investment Funds, Shift2Rail decided to organize a workshop bringing together representatives from the regions, the European Commission and Parliament as well as Joint Undertakings to discuss possibilities for collaboration. Shift2Rail Regional Cooperation Workshop on 9 October offered stakeholders the possibility to share expertise and success stories as well as to discuss possibilities to further enhance cooperation. In addition, the workshop offered regional representatives the possibility to have bilateral meetings with Shift2Rail’s management allowing for collaboration opportunities to be discussed in more detail.
The workshop took place as a side event of European Week of the Regions and Cities which ran from 7-10 October in Brussels. The European Week of Regions and Cities bringing together around 6,000 visitors from more than 70 countries.
Reminder notice that the European Commission’s online consultation on European Partnership for transforming Europe’s rail system (Horizon Europe programme) is open until 6 November 2019, and can be accessed here. The feedback gathered from this public consultation will provide crucial input for the impact assessment work for these candidate partnerships.