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Connecting Europe Days 2022

Lyon, France



Connecting Europe Days 2022

Thank you for taking part in our Connecting Europe Days 2022 activities in Lyon, France on 28-30 June! The event was an occasion to discuss how we can improve and reshape the European mobility system. Europe’s Rail had set up a packed programme to showcase how we plan to contribute to a connected and resilient European transport through research and innovation. Thank you for joining our programme including:

Signing Memorandum of Understanding on the ‘Smart and Affordable High-Speed Services in the European Union’ study

  • We have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with CER, ALLRAIL and UNIFE on this new study, in presence of Walter Goetz, Head of Cabinet of the European Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean. Read the press release here.

Joint Session with SESAR 3 JU –  ‘Multimodal transport system for the benefit of European citizens’

  • During our joint session with SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking, on 28 June at 16:30-18:00 CET,  you were able to discover how rail and air traffic management sectors, together with local governments, contribute to the goals of the European Union in achieving a multimodal European transport system.

PanelEnhancing Sustainable, Multimodal Freight Transport

  • Our Executive Director, Carlo Borghini, took part in a panel discussion on ‘Enhancing Sustainable, Multimodal Freight Transport’ on 29 June at 17:00-18:30 CET.

Panel – Research and Innovation for a modern and resilient infrastructure

  • Our Head of Programme, Giorgio Travaini, discussed ‘Research and Innovation for a modern and resilient infrastructure’ during a panel on 29 June at 17:00-18:30 CET.

Pitch – Towards climate neutrality with rail

  • Our Executive Director, Carlo Borghini, and EU Blue Book Trainee at the Research and Innovation Unit, Carolina Chambel pitched how to go towards climate neutrality with rail, in the frame of the European Year of Youth on 29 June at  15:30 at the Marketplace.

During the event visitors also had the opportunity to speak to our project experts and test our Travel Companion application, developed within Shift2Rail’s Innovation Programme 4.

Europe's Rail at The Connecting Europe Days 2022

Europe's Rail