The January 2025 edition of the Europe’s Rail newsletter is out! We are happy to unveil our completely new design,...

Date: 27-28 January
Location: Paris, France
The ITF Annual Consultation with International Organisations provides a platform for exchange between the ITF and partner organisations from the transport sector and beyond. The two-day event focuses on shaping the upcoming ITF Summits. In 2025, our Chief Stakeholder Relations and Dissemination, Catherine Cieczko, took part in the meeting to represent Europe’s Rail’s insights and perspectives.
Day one, which focused on the theme “Transport Resilience to Global Shocks: A Gender Perspective” included an opening from Young Tae Kim, Secretary-General, International Transport Forum as well as keynote remarks from Sarquis José Buainain Sarquis, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Brazil to Economic Organizations in Paris, and Chiara Corazza, CCC, G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council, G20 EMPOWER.
On the second day, the discussion evolved around the upcoming ITF summits and reflected transport topics in the light of the upcoming UN Decade of Sustainable Transport (2026-2035). H.E. Hernán Frigolett Córdova, Ambassador to the OECD, Permanent Representative, opened the day by highlighting the priorities for the 2025 ITF’s presidency of Chile and was followed by Young Tae Kim, Secretary-General, International Transport Forum, who presented a broader overview of the ITF’s achievements in 2024 and priorities for 2025.
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