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        • Our R&I Programme
          Discover Innovation pillar
          a red train traveling down tracks next to a snow covered mountain

          Innovation Pillar

          EU-Rail’s Innovation Pillar (IP) is tasked to deliver operational and technological solutions that contribute to a more efficient, flexible, and demand-led, yet safe and environmentally sustainable European railway system. 

          Discover System pillar

          System Pillar

          The System Pillar provides governance, resource, and outputs to support a coherent and coordinated approach to the evolution of the rail system and the development of the system view.

          Explore System pillar




          Key documents

          Discover Deployment Group
          a train station with a train on the tracks

          Deployment Group

          The Deployment Group advises the EU-Rail Governing Board on the market uptake of rail innovation developments and support their deployment.

          About the Deployment Group

          Deployment Group Participants

          Explore the European DAC Delivery Programme

          For a successful and effective implementation of the Digital Automatic Coupler for European rail freight (DAC), it is of crucial importance to have open, close and efficient cooperation between rail stakeholders. The European DAC Delivery Programme enabled by Europe’s Rail, offers a unique European platform for such cooperation and collaboration.

          Discover Shift2Rail

          The Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking is the predecessor programme of the Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail), established by Council Regulation (EU) 2021/2085 of 19 November 2021.

          Explore Shift2Rail

          About Shift2Rail

          Shift2Rail R&I Programme

          Shift2Rail Key Documents

          Shift2Rail Members

          Governing Board & Decisions

          Shift2Rail Projects

        • Projects

          Discover detailed information on Europe's rail innovation initiatives, showcasing flagship and other projects aimed at enhancing rail systems across Europe. It highlights collaborative efforts funded by the European Union to develop sustainable, efficient, and competitive rail transport solutions.


          Solutions catalogue

          Europe’s Rail Catalogue of Solutions illustrates successful R&I results in the form of possible products and solutions, while highlighting the benefits for final users, operators, infrastructure managers and/or suppliers. This publication also outlines the advantages of integrating demonstrators into market solutions so that they can deliver the rail innovation Capabilities of the future.

        • Who we are?
          About Europe's Rail

          Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail) is the European partnership on rail research and innovation established under the Horizon Europe programme (2020-2027) and the universal successor of the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking.

          Explore About Europe's Rail

          Mission and objectives

          Preparatory Activities


          Discover Europe's Rail Members

          Find out the full list of Europe's Rail Members.

          Discover Structure of Governance

          Discover the full structure and governance of Europe's Rail, including the decisions of the Governing Board.

          Explore Structure of Governance

          Governing Board

          General Assembly

          States Representatives Group

          Scientific Steering Group

          Executive Director

          Discover Reference Documents

          Get access to Europe's Rail main reference documents, including Annual Work Plans, Annual Activity Reports, Annual Accounts and other important information.

          Explore Reference Documents

          Key Documents

          Annual Work Plan and Budget

          Annual Activity Report

          Annual Accounts

          Functioning of the Europe's Rail JU

Europe’s Rail Preparatory Activities

The European Commission has put forward a proposal for a European Partnership on Rail Research and Innovation, Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking, in accordance with the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), building upon the current Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking.

The Rail European Partnership will focus on accelerating, with an integrated system approach, research, development and demonstrations of innovative technologies and operational solutions (enabled by digitalization and automation) for future deployment to deliver on European Union policies towards European Green Deal objectives (e.g. shift substantial part of the 75% of inland freight carried today by road to rail and inland waterways[1]),  “a Europe fit for the digital age”, “an economy that works for people” and “a stronger Europe in the world”[2].

Interested parties can find on this page all public relevant information on the ongoing process for the Shift2Rail Successor, Europe’s Rail. Please note we advise interested parties to regularly monitor this web page as well as the European Commission’s relevant web pages for updates on the latest information available.

Draft Master Plan of Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking

The draft Master Plan of the future Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking has been prepared in accordance with Article 93 of the Single Basic Act (Commission Proposal to establish the Joint Undertaking under the Horizon Europe Programme of 23 February 2021).

To consult the document please click here.

This draft act is open for feedback for 4 weeks. Feedback will be taken into account for finalising the Master Plan.

Your feedback shall be sent by 26 November 2021 to the following email address: prepare-eurju[at]s2r.europa.eu

However, we consider the following kinds of content unsuitable:

  • abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, xenophobic, threatening or sexually-oriented comments
  • spam, advertising for a website or product
  • duplicate content, where the same content has been posted more than once by the same user
  • off-topic comments, unrelated to the proposed legislation
  • links to illegal or pirated software
  • any other content users report to us with a valid explanation as to why

Feedback or suggestions that contradict these rules will be disregarded and possible legal actions taken.

A webinar on the draft Master Plan will be held on 19 November at 15:30 – 17:30 CET. Should you wish to join, please kindly express your interest here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/WebinarEuropesRailMasterPlan

Please see below the draft programme of the webinar session:

  • Introduction (EC/JU)
  • Short presentation of the main parts of the Master Plan (EC)
  • Tour de table (2 minutes per participant, subject to the number of interventions the time will be adapted)
  • Closing words (EC/JU)

Questions and answers


With regard to the Horizon Europe proposal, information is available here.

[1]  Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of 11 December 2019 on the European Green Deal (COM/2019/640 final)

[2]  Priorities of the European Commission 2019 – 2024

Europe's Rail