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Catherine Cieczko

Catherine Cieczko

Chief Stakeholder Relations and Dissemination

Catherine Cieczko


Ms Catherine Cieczko manages Europe’s Rail Stakeholder Relations, Dissemination and Communication activities. She joined Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, the predecessor of Europe’s Rail, in September 2016, ensuring the establishment of the JU’s corporate and visual presence in the rail sector.

Prior to this posting, Ms Cieczko held various positions in different domains related to Communication and Stakeholder Relations, both in the private sector and in the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and three EU Agencies, often in their start-up phase. She has established strong ties and a good understanding of the research community through her work at the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) of the European Commission.

Ms Cieczko has a thorough knowledge of the rail sector and of the EU institutions. She holds a Master’s Degree equivalent in Public Information, Journalism and Communication, and speaks French, English, Italian, and Spanish.

Europe's Rail