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Delivering Digital Automatic Coupling in Europe – transformation of rail freight

Vienna, Austria



Delivering Digital Automatic Coupling in Europe – transformation of rail freight

Date: 25 May 2022

Time: TBC

Location: Vienna, Austria

This forum aims to address the importance of introduction of Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC) in entire Europe by 2030. European efforts are essential for a successful and effective implementation of DAC for European rail freight and consequently enabling full digital freight train operations.

The support of European and national decision makers and stakeholders is of highest interest, especially during the transition phase from the existing screw coupling system to the target one. The sector needs to develop one single European system for full digital rail freight operations. Therefore, the involvement of relevant national stakeholders from SEE region is one of the crucial milestones for full scale European cooperation.

Main topics of the forum will be:

  • Target picture and benefit for European rail freight enabled by DAC operations
  • Relevance of DAC for SEE region
  • DAC current state of play: specifications, use cases, demonstrators, migration and business cases
  • Outlook and cooperation with SEE partners, including Q&A session

Europe's Rail