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CCS Operational harmonisation

CCS Operational harmonisation

The first step toward the operational harmonisation has been the drafting of the Operational Vision for CCS and TM/CM, including CONOPS (Concept of Operations).

On the business level the vision is to make best CCS and TM/CM (Traffic Management, Capacity Management) practices available as standardized operational processes, products, planning models, target systems, tender specifications, or configuration templates – ready to “download and use”. The idea is not “one fits all”, but “a set of strictly standardized configurations (scalability) fits all needs”, while every configuration is interoperable with each other and not designed with national or company specific features (“borderless”). Overall, a very efficient process chain will allow to increase the competitiveness of the Railway system and to implement a faster improvement process and better evolvability.

There will be detailed operational analysis per system which also includes a CONUSE (Concept of use) vision for the systems where SP is focusing. For example, for TM/CM. This means to create a long-term to short-term operational plan (production plan) that fulfils customer needs in an optimized way, to prepare and let execute the plan, and to predict and react on deviations and events with adapted planning or initiated interventions to solve production problems. The operational plan describes in very detail all types of track usage (train movements, stabling, construction sites, usage restriction areas, etc.).

The basic vision for Traffic Management is to reach a high, smart and flexible automation and cooperation levels for short-term and long-term simulation, planning, forecasting and coordination processes (cross-company, cross country) in a way that allows to work with an integrated and rolling high-quality plan in near-real-time, based on automated information exchange (based on forecasting) between all involved planning partners.

Europe's Rail