Shift2Rail logo A body of the European Union


  • Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking proposed by the European Commission to the …
    Europe’s Rail partnership, the successor to the current Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, has been officially announced today by the European Commission as part of a proposal for the set-up of 10 new European Partnerships under the Horizon Europe programme. All the partnerships share the objective of achieving a climate neutral and digital Europe. Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking will build on the successful results of Shift2Rail’s work with its […]
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Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking
White Atrium building, 2nd Floor
Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60

Latest News

Shift2Rail signs collaboration agreement with the European standardisation body ETSI

Shift2Rail and ETSI signed yesterday a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Paris at UIC’s conference on the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS). Shift2Rail research and innovation results will be feeding ETSI working groups facilitating, under the leadership of the European Commission, the creation of the next future-proof standards for telecommunications applicable to the railway. Shift2Rail expects that this cooperative work among the sector will help the practical market implementation of solutions like wirelessly connected…

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Register for our Innovation in Freight Conference!

The Innovation in Freight Conference will take place on 18 June 2019 in Munich, and will cluster the results of seven projects (ARCC, FR8RAIL, FR8HUB, SMART, FFL4E, M2O, INNOWAG) running under Shift2Rail’s freight innovation programme, known as IP5. A wide spectrum of freight-related topics will be covered, ranging from new locomotive designs, longer and heavier trains, real time management of main lines and yards, intelligent freight wagon concepts, and automation and digitalisation of terminals to name but a…

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Innovation in the Spotlight: One step ahead with predictive maintenance

Knowing what might happen in the future is no longer utopia. Technological development supported by Shift2Rail allows us to be able to predict the behavior of railway assets. This helps us not only to reduce costs but also to increase reliability and reduce the time spent on repair and maintenance.   The challenge Today, railway infrastructure is not sufficiently equipped with technology that allows us to gather data about our assets. This means that we are…

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Shift2Rail’s work acknowledged by the European Parliament

The European Parliament has adopted the Discharge in respect to the implementation of Shift2Rail’s 2017 budget that recognises its use to create a continuity and common vision for rail research while building trust within the rail community. The European Parliament notes Shift2Rail’s efficient work and good financial management as well as its successful activities in increasing Shift2Rail’s visibility. The Discharge welcomes Shift2Rail’s work that brings together rail stakeholders to share ideas also outside usual commercial…

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Railway stakeholders debate how rail should contribute to the EU’s single market at recent conference in Pardubice

More than 200 railway stakeholders form some 15 countries took part in the conference ‘Czech and European railway for the 21st century – one single market’, which took place in Pardubice, Czech Republic on 11-12 April. The programme was composed of an international day, where stakeholders from European institutions and trade associations intervened; followed by a second day mostly dedicated to national challenges for railways in the Czech Republic. What makes this conference special “is…

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New study shows great market potential for Hydrogen in Rail throughout Europe

A new study by Roland Berger on FCH train technology, commissioned by Shift2Rail and Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertakings, is just out. The study analyses the state of the art, the business case, the market potential, specific case studies and technical and non-technical barriers to the use of FCH technology in different rail applications.   The analysis finds that the global FCH train market development activities are currently concentrated in Europe. This puts the…

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