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The Memorandum of Understanding between Shift2Rail and the region of the Basque Country was signed on the 22 January at the Basque Railway 2020 Event in San Sebastián helping to advance regional mobility and transport through European-wide R&I and find synergies between different funding mechanisms available at the EU, national and regional levels.

Shift2Rail believes that rail can become the backbone of the future sustainable carbon-neutral mobility and transport system, and working together with regions such as the Basque Country, where there is a key innovative hub, will make a significant contribution to achieving this.

Shift2Rail recently held a Regional Cooperation Workshop in Brussels that was attended by many regional representatives from around Europe. The Workshop helped to establish and strengthen contacts between regional authorities and Shift2Rail, and was also a first step towards the signature of the MoU with the region of the Basque Country.

Read the press release

Europe's Rail